

OBA was founded in 1984 to develop and support an outstanding baseball program for youth baseball in Orinda. In order to achieve this vision, OBA will continue to:

  1. Develop players and managers/coaches through excellent instruction, sportsmanship and healthy competition;
  2. Support and encourage personal growth of players in a fun, competitive environment;
  3. Emphasize that winning is a byproduct, not the sole goal;
  4. Engage and educate parents to understand and reinforce the above; and
  5. Focus on quality in all endeavors (fields, clinics, equipment, umpires, etc.)


The mission of the Orinda Baseball Association is to make available within the community of Orinda an effectively governed and implemented youth baseball program in which the dedicated and prospectively talented youth baseball player can obtain a positive, competitive and rewarding developmental and participatory experience in the game of baseball.

The purpose of the mission statement of the Orinda Baseball Association (referred to hereafter as "OBA" or "the Association") is to articulate concisely the philosophical foundation on which the Association is based. The OBA mission statement is intended ultimately to govern all aspects of the Association, including the conduct of those whose actions may affect it. The following Principles and Guidelines are derived directly from the language of OBA's mission statement and are intended to assist in understanding and applying it.


OBA Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Policy for Players, Managers, Coaches, and Parents of Players

In its vision statement, the Orinda Baseball Association (OBA) states its first goal is to “develop players, managers and coaches through excellent instruction, sportsmanship and healthy competition.” It further seeks to “engage and educate parents to understand and reinforce the above.” The behavior of players, managers, coaches or parents should enhance, not detract, from the children’s enjoyment of the sport.

Behavior Guidelines

Acceptable behavior includes:

  • Being a role model for all participants and fans to follow, exemplifying the highest moral and ethical behavior;
  • Respecting the judgment of officials and abiding by the rules of the game;
  • Treating opposing managers, coaches, players and fans with respect;
  • Teaching and practicing good sportsmanship.

Unacceptable behavior includes:

  • Using abusive language;
  • Physically or verbally abusing another person;
  • Physically or verbally abusing an umpire or official;
  • Intentionally endangering another.

OBA adopts the PONY Baseball suggested discipline policy contained in the PONY Baseball Rules and Regulations. Players, managers, coaches, parents of players, OBA Board members and umpires agree to be bound by the PONY Baseball General Conduct Rule 19, as follows:

“Players or adult volunteers who engage in unsportsmanlike conduct, such as fighting, abusive language or similarly derogatory activity, may be suspended for one or more games, or may be subject to some other appropriate form of penalty.”

Investigation Procedure

The appropriate OBA division commissioner (or if unavailable, the OBA Board President) shall first be notified of any possible violation. Upon notification the commissioner shall immediately conduct a reasonable investigation. A reasonable investigation means that the commissioner should make every reasonable effort to learn about both sides of the controversy and whenever possible, interview independent witnesses. Each division commissioner has the authority to issue verbal warnings and admonishments. The division commissioner shall, in all instances, report his or her findings to the Disciplinary Committee.


The OBA Board of Directors shall appoint a standing sub-committee (“Disciplinary Committee”) responsible for investigating violations and enforcing the league’s Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Policy. This Committee shall have the authority to issue a reprimand or suspend, any player, manager, coach, parent of a player, umpire, or other person whose conduct is in violation of the Rules and Regulations of PONY Baseball and/or is considered detrimental to the best interests of OBA.

The Disciplinary Committee shall report to the OBA Board of Directors all incidents of misconduct, including those incidents, which may warrant dismissal or being barred (as discussed below). Only the OBA Board of Directors, by majority vote, has the authority to dismiss or bar an individual.

(1) Reprimand. The offending person is to be advised, in writing, of the offense and advised that further misconduct will result in a more severe penalty.

(2) Suspension. The offending person is to be advised in writing that he or she has been suspended from all OBA activity for a specific number of games or days.

(3) Dismissal. The offending person is to be advised in writing that he or she has been dismissed from OBA for the remainder of the current year.

(4) Barred. The offending person is to be advised in writing that he or she has been barred from present and future participation in OBA, permanently or for a specific number of years.

The OBA Board of Directors shall have the sole and exclusive authority to dismiss or bar an individual from participation in OBA. The Board’s decision shall be final.

Violation of team rules (Players only)

OBA further enacts the following policy concerning violation of team rules and player discipline:

OBA exists for the benefit of the children of Orinda and this should not be overlooked in any disciplinary matter. Whenever it is reasonably possible, the benefit of the doubt should be resolved in favor of the child.

However, the manager is primarily responsible for his/her team. Consistent with the rules of Pony Baseball, the OBA and the manager’s own team rules, the manager has the authority to bench a player for all or part of a game on the day of the game. If the player or parent feels that the manager’s decision is unreasonable, the manager must first be consulted. This consultation cannot occur until after the game is completed. If the player or parent cannot resolve the controversy directly with the manager, he or she must then consult with the division commissioner who will review the action and make a final decision, which may not appealed.

Ejection Policy

Beginning May 1, 2005, the following policy applies to players, coaches and/or
parents, who are ejected from a game.

First Ejection
Manager / Coach / Parent 2 game immediate suspension
Bronco, Pony, Colt player 1 game immediate suspension
Pinto, Mustang player Coach / Commissioner meeting with parents

Second Ejection
Manager / Coach / Parent Suspended for remainder of season, and next season
Bronco, Pony, Colt player 2 game immediate suspension
Pinto, Mustang player 1 game immediate suspension

Third Ejection
Bronco, Pony, Colt player Suspended for remainder of season
Pinto, Mustang player Suspended for remainder of season

Appeals Process
You may seek review of the actual situation and penalty. Appeal will be reviewed by a majority of the Commissioners and President of OBA. Contact your Division’s Commissioner to schedule.

Conduct for first and second ejection.

Unless instructed to leave the field, the player shall remain and support his / her team. For the suspended game(s), the player shall suit up and remain on the bench for the game. The umpire and opposing coach shall be informed. This policy shall be communicated by the Manager or Commissioner of the player the night of the offending game and, as appropriate, Manager and/or Commissioner should have a meeting with player and parents.
