
Bronco House Rules and Regulations

In general, the Official Rules of Baseball shall apply, except as noted below.


  1. 2:15 hour time limit for ALL games – no NEW inning can start after 2:00 (make sure you communicate this to umpires before every game)
  2. All games are 7 innings, if time permits.
  3. Weather: if both head coaches and commissioner deem it safe to play, but paid ump refuses to ump, game will be played with a parent ump that both head coaches approve.
  4. Tiebreaker Rule goes into effect immediately after 7 innings IF there is time remaining:
    1. Teams play 1 extra inning of ‘regular’ baseball. If the game is still tied after that inning then:
    2. the game results in a tie.
    3. In the playoffs, innings continue until a team wins – no games shall end in a tie unless the game has to be suspended due to darkness by
      1. During the regular season, a game that is suspended due to darkness will be declared a tie.
      2. During playoffs, a game that is suspended by darkness will be played the next day (or as soon as it is possible to reschedule for both teams) and shall commence at the place where it had been suspended (in terms of inning, batter, pitch count, etc.).
      3. During the championship games, 7 innings will be played with no time limit, unless the mercy rule in 6 below is hit
  5. Bronco Premier will be played at 50/70 field dimensions
  6. 10 run mercy rule after 5 complete innings. 4 ½ innings if home team is ahead. This rule is ALWAYS in effect.
    1. No team will be permitted to score more than five runs in any one inning. After five runs, the inning shall end.
    2. There is no run limit in a team's final at-bat.
    3. If the game is running long, and the last inning is the 5th or 6th instead of the 7th, both coaches should agree before the inning to play with unlimited runs, and inform the umpires.
    4. Coaches may agree before the game not to play with this 5-run rule, but the default will be to play with this rule unless both coaches decide not to.
    5. Coaches may mutually agree to continue playing after the mercy limit has been reached, to get players more time on the field, but the outcome of the game won’t change.
  7. Teams will bat all players on their roster unless the opposing coach approves an injured player not batting.
  8. You may start a game with 8 players but cannot finish with less than 8 players. An out is recorded in the 9th position every time through the order if playing with 8 players. If a team bats 10 players OR their entire lineup and a player is injured during the course of a game or is unable to complete the game, that team SHALL NOT record an out for the injured/departed player.
  9. A team that is playing with 8 players may request to ‘borrow’ a player from the opposing team to play in the field. The player from the opposing team shall be the player who recorded the last batted out in the previous half inning.
  10. All baserunners must make an attempt to avoid potential violent contact
  11. Pinch runners for the catcher or pitcher of the previous inning are allowed ANYTIME. Substitute player/s is the last batted out. If no outs in the inning then the last out of the previous inning can be a pinch runner for pitcher or catcher.
  12. Bats – all barrel sizes can be no bigger than 2 3/4 inches in diameter. All bats MUST have the USSSA 1.15 stamp or USA stamp on them OR be BBCOR. ALL WOOD BATS ARE ALLOWED
    1. If a player uses a non-conforming bat, the opposing coach should raise it to the umpire and an automatic out will be enforced.
  13. PROTESTS – If you feel so inclined to protest a call, the manager protesting must announce their protest. If necessary, a review of the call in question will then go to the league Commissioners AND the Chief Umpire of the Association used on the Wednesday following your game. Rule interpretations can be protested, judgment calls can never be protested. The game and decision by the umpire will not be overruled, but future games and rules might be changed based on the reviewing committee’s findings.
  14. HOME team pays for and provides at least 1 trained umpire.
  15. HOME team supplies 4 baseballs (four)
    1. In the playoffs, HOME team will be determined by the higher playoff seed. In the championship game, the HOME team will be the winner’s bracket team. If a second game is needed, the loser’s bracket team will be HOME team.
  16. Pitchers will be given a warning on a Balk call. There will be 1 warning issued per pitcher. All balks should be awarded to the team at bat. MLB balk rule is in effect, this means it is a delayed dead ball. If a balk is called and the batter becomes a runner on a batted ball or award and acquires first base and every runner acquires his advance base, then the balk is disregarded.
  17. Rosters – Each Bronco Premier team shall share their official roster with the coaches of the other teams. If a team is short a player or players then additional players may be added for the game/s. The order of adding players from other teams should be as follows:
    1. A player or players from other Bronco Premier teams (either in your league or another Morindamont team)
    2. Bronco 12U 680 players
    3. Bronco 11U 680 players
    4. For the playoffs, no 680 Bronco age players are allowed as substitutes
    5. Substitute players may be added to accommodate a maximum roster size of 10 players if a team doesn’t have a minimum of 9. If a team has 9 players, a 10th may be added but that 10th player can only bat or play in case of injury.
    6. A substitute player can not pitch, under any situation
    7. A substitute player has to hit at the bottom of the batting order
    8. Coaches must communicate prior to the start of the game that they are using substitute players
  18. Pitching - Pitching Rules – Pitching Rules will follow PONY Baseball Pitching Rules, with maximum pitches and required days of rest highlighted below:
    Rules, with maximum pitches and required days of rest highlighted below:

    7-8 50 1-20 21-35 36-50 N/A N/A N/A
    9-10 75 1-20 21-35 36-50 51-65 66+ N/A
    11-12 85 1-20 21-35 36-50 51-65 66+ N/A
    13-14 95 1-35 21-35 36-50 51-65 66+ N/A
    15-16 95 1-30 31-45 46-60 61-75 76+ N/A
    17-18 105 1-30 31-45 46-60 61-80 81+ N/A
    19-22 120 1-30 31-45 46-60 61-80 81-105 106+
    1. When pitching in more than one game on the same calendar day, pitchers may pitch any combination of pitches in those games provided they do not exceed the maximum number of pitches for that calendar day.
    2. Pitchers reaching their maximum number of pitches in a day while pitching to a batter, may finish pitching to that batter before being removed.
    3. Once the umpire-in-chief signals “play” to the pitcher, that pitcher shall become the pitcher of record and their pitch count begins at that point.
    4. A pitcher is charged with the number of pitches in the specific calendar day in which they are pitched, regardless of whether they are local organization league games, the playoff of postponed games or suspended games, tie games, or exhibition games. Rest is calculated as per calendar day.
    5. Any pitcher withdrawn from the mound and/or lineup, or a pitcher who is withdrawn from the mound and stays in the game at another position, shall not be permitted to pitch again in the same game.
    6. If a relief pitcher comes in “cold” the umpire shall allow the pitcher to warm up properly with at least ten warm up pitches.
    7. The home team will be the official scorekeeper for each game and will track pitch counts.
    8. Metal spikes are NOT permitted in this league Hard molded cleats are also prohibited on the Piedmont and Moraga pitching mounds, so pitchers pitching in games in Piedmont or Moraga must bring an alternative pair of shoes to those games
  19. Common Sense SPORTSMANSHIP (courteous, polite, respectful, complimentary, etc.) All teams make the playoffs.
    1. Please remember that how you, your coaches, your parents, your players, your spectators, etc., conduct themselves is witnessed by all. We are trying to raise decent young men and your actions will speak louder than your words. Treat everyone with respect, especially the umpires. They have difficult jobs and will not be 100% perfect on every call. We cannot have a league without them. They are vital to your individual leagues and the Pony Premier League’s success.
    2. When mature teams are playing developing teams please do not throw your number 1 and 2 pitchers. Be cognizant of whom you are playing and the purpose for which we are here. Use this opportunity to develop your pitchers and throw those that may not pitch as often. Also, adjust your batting line-up and your substitutes. Maybe you sit your studs for a few innings and give your developing players the opportunity to play the entire game. Use common sense and everyone will have a fun and productive season.
    3. Get to know your opponent (coaches, players, parents, etc.). Odds are you will be playing against one another for years to come. Compete hard, but when the game is over shake hands. It is much more fun to play against someone you respect and like than not.
  20. Standings
    1. Standings will be based on win percentage with the tiebreaker of runs against, then run differential.