Player Safety

Heads up Concussion

Get prepared for the new season.

HEADS UP to Youth Sports is a free online course available to coaches, parents, sports officials, athletic trainers, and others helping to keep athletes safe from concussion.

Coaches: Click HERE external icon to launch the course.

Please see the How to Create an Account in the CDC Train pdf icon[PDF – 865 KB] for instructions.

Privacy Notice: If you decide to register for the online training, you will be asked to provide your e-mail address. Please note that it is not necessary to register for the training to use this site. Your registration is voluntary. Any information that you provide is fully protected. It is stored temporarily and used only for online training registration purposes.

Additional Free Concussion Training Programs Information:

Air Quality Protocol

With AQI 101 - 150 • Athletic staff should consult with individuals who fall into the sensitive groups about participation in practice, competition, and/or outdoor events. AQI of 151 - 200 • Athletic training staff should closely monitor the health of all athletes in practice and competition. Modifications to athletic activities should be considered and implemented as necessary, including cancellation. • Shorten/modify outdoor recreational activity to limit prolonged or heavy exertion. AQI of 201 or above no outdoor activities. Here is a link to the CCCD AQI- Based Decision-Making Matrix [PDF]

Hot Weather Protocol

In the event of a 'hot weather' day for practice or games, please refer to the OBA Hot Weather Guidelines [PDF]

Thoughts or Suggestions for player Safety

E-mail us any suggestions or thoughts to improve player safety.

Safety First!